Special Guests

Tiffany Grant
Voice Actress & Screenwriter

Aaron Roberts
Voice Actor

Patrick Pedraza
Voice Actor

Krystal LaPorte
Voice Actress

Sledgehammer Creative
Professional Cosplayer

Sammy I Ammy
Cosplay Coordinator & Guest

Kitty Kouture
Guest Performer & Drag Show Host

Alura O'Shaunacy
Guest Performer & Drag Show Host

A.A. Cosplay
Cosplay Guest

Our 2 Brain Cells
Cosplay Guests

Finders Keepers Cosplay
Cosplay Guests

DJ Keanu Trias
Guest Performer

Summer Magic
Guest Performers
Lethal Cortex
Lethal Cortex is a music producer and DJ originally from Phoenix, AZ but calls Fayetteville and NWA his home. Hitting the decks after leaving the military in 2015, his cut style blends a mix of numbing freeform bass with a dash of melodic euphoria.
He has performed at the last 2 AAFs and Konsplosions, and has played at multiple music festivals including Backwoods Music Festival, Dancefestopia Music Festival, and over 9 local festivals.
He is noted as winning the Dancefestopia NWA competition, has been honorable mentioned for his remix of Psymbionic’s ‘Hypnotoad’ in 2019, and recognized by Gravitas Create for his track titled ‘Relapse’ in 2018.

Kitty Kouture
KITTY KOUTURE, is the multitalented, gender-fluid entertainer of your southern dreams. Equal parts Singer, Dancer, and Aspiring Pop Star, they have charmed audiences in Little Rock, Los Angeles, Atlanta and more for the past five years. Welcome to Kitty’s world. Hope you enjoy it.
Kitty wants to be the magical girl pop star of your dreams so see if you see her walking around the con feel free to say hello and ask for a picture.
She will be hosting two drag shows at A2F this year. For more information or to sign up, please visit the Cosplay Drag Show page.

NorthTheGem Cosplay
Please Welcome Our Cosplay Contest Host!
North has been a cosplayer for three years now. Whe making her own cosplays, it’s all about getting the details just right. She strives to be an artist that everyone can love.
She has been a cosplay guest at Altus Comic Con and New world Comic Con, as well as the cosplay constest host at Missouricon and Not Another Horror Con in Little Rock. Before that, she has taken the prize for Judge’s Choice in a few cosplay competitions.
Her mission in cosplay is to be part of a community, to make friends and share our love of making cosplays. When she is not creating her next costume, she is hanging with her dogs or working at the BAGC.
Court's Cosplay
Court’s Cosplay is a gender-fluid, award-winning entertainer and cosplayer. They call themself a gender-defying dragon whose favorite part of cosplay is being able to inhabit the character and put on a show.
Being a full-time performer and cosplaying since late 2015; Court got their start in cosplay with Yu-gi-oh, cosplaying, and dueling con-goers as Seto Kaiba. Since then, they have been seen at several conventions: cosplay guesting, singing, doing comedy, and/or hosting one of their 30+ different panels.
You might have actually seen them doing their thing at cons like A-kon, Mecha-Con, Pensacon, Tokyo Oklahoma, Kilgore Geekend, and several others. Court loves being able to tell stories and making people laugh or smile. They look forward to being back at one of their home cons and seeing everyone at A2F this year.

Arkansas Idol Club
Arkansas’ very own Idol Club!
Arkansas Idol Club is a group of school idol genre lovers gather together to perform and discuss all things Love Live, Idolmaster, EnStars and other idol franchises! We put on live shows and panels to spread joy across the state and even the country!
They will be putting on performances throughout the weekend! Make sure to check the schedule for when you can see them!
Not Invisible Angel
Desiree’ Shaw, also known as Not Invisible Angel, has been cosplaying since 2013. One of her first cosplays, the Weeping Angel from Dr. Who, won her two awards at the 2014 Arkansas Anime Festival (A2F). Three more of her cosplays have also won awards: Lolita Tardis, Kimono Sailor Pluto, and Sylveon.
She is involved in cosplay groups as well as a member of the Starfleet International USS Blackstone. She has ran and assisted with panels at multiple conventions.
Not Invisible Angel has also assisted others with their costumes from the design to repair. She encourages others to try cosplaying as well as encourage fellow cosplayers to grow in the craft.
When not in cosplay, Desiree’ cares for her 3 cats: Kyo, Minerva, and Temari. She streams games on Twitch weekly and dabbles with make up. In addition to video games, she also DMs and participates in Table top RPGs.

An openly queer award-winning performer and cosplayer, recently winning best of his division at SausomeCon 2022, Dat Ashe Cosplay has been cosplaying since 2010 and his knowledge of his craft is what now puts food on his table.
Having performed across several states, guesting at conventions such as AMA-Con, Animania Wichita Falls, PokéFest, Magic City Adventure Experience, and Kilgore Geekend, working with flowtoys.com and other companies, and even being interviewed for his work by Ultra Evil Media and Demon Interviews, this young man has many stories to share about his experiences within the community as well as his own crafting.
His favourite way of interacting with the community is through TikTok, where he answers questions in-character, out-of-character, and overall just having a good time. He is very excited to be at A2F and looks forward to making new friends!
Aoi Kitsu
Aoi Kitsu is a Nonbinary cosplayer from Oklahoma. They have been cosplaying since they were in middle school in 2014 and have been loving the hobby ever since! They have won multiple awards for their cosplay of Hawks from My Hero Academia.
They continue to improve their cosplays with ever convention they attend. Their first prop was Sailor Pluto’s Key Staff back in 2016. Then in 2019, they built She-Ra’s sword of Protection which they are still swinging today! They also made Hawk’s wings and Feather Blades in 2020, which has been their favorite cosplay to date. This cosplay has also won multiple judges choice awards!
Their love of all thing’s costumes sprouted from their first love, Disney World. When not cosplaying, Aoi Kitsu is a part time college student working towards their Bachelors degree in Psychology while also working at Disney World, in Orlando, Florida in Spring 2022.

Sammy I Ammy Cosplay
SammyIAmmyCosplay is a cosplayer from Colorado who moved to Arkansas in 2016. They have been cosplaying for over ten years. They have cosplayed from anime, Disney, and popular cartoons.
Sammy has also host several panels at various cons. They love to see people having fun and enjoying the media they cherish. They always want to see a smile on peoples faces!
Keymaster_Cosplay is an Anime and Disney fan, nerd, gamer, and cosplayer. He identifies as Bi/genderfluid and proud of it ❤
He has been cosplaying for 7 years and, in his cosplaying experience, he has learned so much on what it means to him.
His experience in cosplay has grown since then, and its not only a way to express his creativity, but also bring joy on what he loves.

Andy Vu
Andy Vu returns to A2F with his Yosakoi dance classes!
During his four years in japan, Andy Vu lived in the northern island of Hokkaido. There, he joined a Yosakoi troupe in the tiny cow town of Nakashibetsu where he was staying. Although, he is currently teaching drama and oral communications in the NWA area, he has made time to teach Yosakoi dance at RHS. His students encouraged him to bring this art form to A2F, and he will be teaching a few classes over the weekend.
Victor Manuel
Victor Manuel is a very busy man. After 25 years in becoming an expert in the world of IT, he has completed his Masters in Oriental Medicine and opened his own acupuncture practice. His band Gluteus and the Hamstrings just finished its first album, Morning in America. He has produced paintings in China and the USA, and writes his comedic work in the web comic myhood.biz.
In his spare time he voices the character Caleb Pratt in the radio drama The Case Files of Grey Black, and Silver Davis in the radio drama Transport Seven. Having won awards for his short story work, he’s turned his attention to the world of novel writing. Never The Moon is his first novels.