Celia is a cosplayer who has been in the hobby since 2009. They specialize in wig styling and makeup, but also have experience with sewing and designing costumes, as well as prop work and resin crafting.
Among the costumes they have designed were two that won Best Journeyman in Anime Weekend Atlanta’s contest in 2021 in a duo entry with Tabitha Cerberus!
Their favorite part of cosplay is the moment you put on a costume and look like a completely different person. In fact, Celia attributes their growth in confidence over the years partially to cosplaying confident characters and getting used to acting as them for photos!
Aside from the making side of things, Celia is also an avid photographer. You can find their work on Instagram as a cosplayer at @sweetsinbaby_cos, as an artist at @sweetsinbaby.art, and as part of a photography group at @sweetcerberusstudios